maandag 2 juli 2018

Sheep in a Meadow

Instead of finishing one the many almost-done projects, I decided to work on my Farm Girl Vintage Sheep quilt this week. I've been having a blast picking colours, for the sheep and for the stars. I'm thinking of doing a 4 by 2 layout, rather than the 3 by 3 blocks suggested in the book, so that I can make a quilt for Lucas' bed. If he likes the sheep, then that's what I'll do, and I'll add some prairie point fencing around the meadow, because Lucas likes to fiddle with a corner when sleeping, and a bound quilt corner is considered too stiff by him.

Aren't they cute?

I'm also including some pictures of the delicious "stekelbesflappen" I made last week. Everyone really enjoyed their sweet and tart and buttery flavour, but I have to say I almost choked when I calculated the amount of calories in one patty .... almost 1000 kcal! That means if I eat two, that's it, I'm done for the day! Since they are really, really good, I will be making them again, but I'll make them a bit smaller, so we can all have one now, and take one in our lunch box the next day. I think that will be better for our health and our waistlines!

The filling doesn't look like much, but trust me, it's delicious!

It's a pity I can't blob the scent: divine!

Can't wait to eat them!

And finally, I want to say I visited a new fabric shop, in Tervuren. Fairy Tailors is a sweet shop, it has a lot of fabrics that will appeal to children, but also a good selection of solids, in knits, and stuff like thread, buttons, elastic, a one-stop sewing store, in other words. It's not open on my day off, but I can go there on Saturdays. Since I have nothing I need to buy fabric for (enough WIPs and my fabric cupboard is stuffed already), I only bought a few coupons. Here is one sturdy cotton with a very pretty graphic print. I've started making a grocery bag from it.

Coupons don't count!

1 opmerking:

  1. How I wish, I could eat one of those tarts. Yes, I will walk an extra mile to burn those calories. It will be worth the effort :-p
