woensdag 28 januari 2015

Wardrobe Architect 2015 - February

I am totally in love with Wardrobe Architect at Coletterie! I finished the assignments up
until week 10 in record time, and now I reworked my capsule scheme into a a
shopping/making scheme.

I know it's anal-retentive, but this is who I am, deep down inside. This side of me
rarely surfaces as I live a very full life and share my house with way too many
small people! I mean, if I wanted my whole life this organized, I'd go crazy, and
I'd drive my husband and kids crazy, too. But here I can be my true, crazy self for
a few minutes a day! So I went all out and made myself this chart. There's a little
square for each item of clothing in the capsule. If the square is crossed that means
 I already own the item. If it's barred (half crossed), that means I own the item, but
it could do with replacing. And if the square is open that means I should make or
buy this item. The small crossed squares remind me of items of clothing that I have
and would go well with the capsule, even though they weren't included in the original
 capsule plan.
I also added accessories, because they are essentials to me, at least light
scarfs and earrings are. Then I went on polyvore and made this overview of items I
need to acquire.

The top row, I plan to make. The middle row is somewhere in the middle (hah!):
maybe I'll make them, maybe I'll buy. The bottom row, I plan on buying. The idea is
to print out my palette and my shopping list (the chart above) and make a little
booklet I can keep in my handbag. I also want to add the patterns I choose for at
least the top three items, with their fabric requirements. For the khaki jacket I already
have an idea from Happy Homemade Sew Chic by Yoshiko Tsukiori , and for the skirt
I found something in the latest Knipmode. With this little buying guide in hand, I'll
know what to look for when buying clothes or fabric.

Actually, this is quite a big list of things to buy for me. I don't buy a lot of clothes. I
live in a village and don't shop for entertainment, so I usually just go to a shop when
I need something. So, unlike most, my aim is to buy a little bit more than is my habit.
That way I won't have to spend Saturday in PJ's while I launder my only pair of jeans,
or wear things I just feel uncomfortable in, simply because it's the only clean thing in
my closet that fits... Wish me luck on my journey to a proper wardrobe!

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