zaterdag 20 februari 2016

The Splendid Sampler™ 1 - Hearts Aflutter

Today I was feeling a little (a lot) under the weather, spending the day reading (Die Wanderhure, by Iny Lorentz, De Wandelhoer in Dutch), sleeping, hanging on the couch and Pinteresting (I know that isn't a verb, but it should be). It must be through Pinterest, or through some random blog that I read, that I stumbled across The Splendid Sampler™ Quilt Along. Now, usually when I see a quilt along the thing is already almost finished, or it requires you to sign up to buy a certain pattern, and it somehow never held much appeal for me. But today was different. I cleaned out my fabric cupboard recently. I found myself refolding a bunch of fabrics I bought 2 or 3 years ago, for the purpose of making a quilt for my (and my husband's) bed. I still love the fabric, but I've pinned about a million possible patterns, and it was beginning to feel like I would never find one that would convince me to finally start sewing!

I really like this green polka dot and pink roses fabric, and I finally started using it!

Well today The Splendid Sampler™ did just that: I sewed the first block of my new quilt! The whole thing seems so much fun and so attainable, and it just started last week, so I'm not hopelessly behind before I ever started! Plus, not committing to one design is liberating, and waiting for the next block to become available is exactly my kind of excitement.

The finished block measures 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches, as it should, and is just a bit wonky!

My husband and I always kid that I was born a granny, my kicks are learning new sewing techniques, seeing my seedlings germinate and popping a cake in the oven, and they have been for as long as I can remember. As a teenager the fact that I was not only able to sew, knit and crochet, but that I actually enjoyed these activities, was a well kept secret. Now, a lot of people envy me for these skills, it's a bit weird how the status of hand crafts has changed so much in just a few years time (wait, I was a teenager twenty (20!) years ago...).

Blanket stitch around the heart to hide messy hand applique for extra definition.

A while back I followed Kristyne Czepuryk of Pretty By Hand as she made her Farmer's Wife Quilt, block by block. I not only admired her skill in picking the perfect palette for each block, but also the tenacity to keep going, and the end product. That is one gorgeous quilt!
Often, I find sampler quilt too busy and not cohesive enough, but if she can do it, so can I, right? Well, I'm going to try!

The Splendid Sampler™ 1 - Hearts Aflutter

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Très joli premier bloc, j'ai hâte de voir comment tu fais les suivants :) (merci de ta visite sur mon blog, je ne peux pas te répondre directement, tu es noreply comment...)

    1. Merci de venir voir ici. J'ai fini le deuxième bloc et je l'aime bien, mais malheureusement il est trop petit!
