woensdag 26 april 2017

Spring bouquet

I treated myself to a book called 'The Cut Flower Patch' by Louise Curley with a gift voucher I got from my best friend for my birthday. It arrived today and I just leafed through it a little bit. Immediately I was inspired to go and pick a bouquet from my garden, even though I don't have an official cut flower patch yet.

The background here is a bit busy, but it does show off the whiteness of my narcissi.

I combined tête-à-tête narcissi, forget-me-nots and chives.

I planted the narcissi last fall, and was a bit disappointed, because they are a bit messy when coming into flower. They're a bit like crumbled up paper when opening up. But I'm warming to them, because they have been flowering for ages and still look fresh and very white, which is beautiful in my side garden, combined with the blue of the blue forest anemones and the forget-me-nots in there.

I hope the chives buds will burst now they are inside, but they look lovely as they are as well.

In their final position on my home altar.
I'm looking forward to a year of many bouquets from my garden. I might start a real cut flower patch this year, or just devote a few square of my square foot garden to flowers, like I did last year for my Dahlias. I do find real joy in going out into the garden and bringing some of the season indoors.

donderdag 20 april 2017

More quilty fun!

 Look what I got for my birthday!

Exactly what I ordered!
I tipped my husband more than a month ago and he came through!
I'm so happy with the book and the pretty FQ's of Retro 30's Child Smile fabric.

I made this pouch right away! It's for my daughter, the fabric on the bottom is her favorite of the whole line.

The back is pretty, too!

Lovely lining (no zipper yet, I have to buy one first).

And my pretty label, from Nominette.

I love hand quilting for texture.

Did I mention I love hand quilting?

I hand pieced and quilted, and assembled by machine (but then finished the seams on the inside by hand, as per instructions. It's a lovely finish, and one I'd never tried before).

Now I just need to add the zipper, the Japanese way (by hand, of course)

And I got everything set for another tea cup pouch!
I really enjoyed the hand piecing, so I plan to make some of the blocks of the quilt on the cover the slow way, too. But I mustn't forget to finish setting my Splendid Sampler...

zondag 16 april 2017

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
For her ninth birthday Marieke got a bright pink petticoat from oma Lena. So she needed a dress to go with that. I made her one, and one thing led to another. I thought I would be nice to make my three sons nice outfits for Easter, too. It was a challenge, I sewed the buttons on Felix's shirt on Saturday morning, just in time for the Easter egg hunt at their grandparents' house!

More eggs!

I think I see some more over there...

Yes! Let's go get them!

I'm way ahead of you!

I'll just quietly gather the ones my siblings have run past, in their excitement.

It's huge!

I want to eat the pretty bunny!

My basket is full!

There's one! Quick!

More Easter eggs in the vegetable garden!

I see some there!

I'm right behand you!
Wait for me!
There must be some in the orchard, too...

No, I think we got them all.

Children, would you pose for a pretty picture of your Easter outfits?

Ok, come on Felix, stand here for mum!

We're coming.

Look at my bunny! It's so big! Can I eat it now?

Happy Easter!

zaterdag 15 april 2017

Naughty Easter

My nine-year old daughter made this drawing for Easter. I don't know where she gets the cheekiness, but I can help but chuckle every time I lift the bell to discover what's underneath...

Do I see bunny ears from the top of that bell?

Ooooh, Marieke! That is so naughty! And look how guilty the bunny looks! Caught in the act!
PS I don't know if you have Easter bells in other countries, but here in Belgium, it is said that the church bells fly out of the church spires on Good Friday (and we here no chiming after that), fly all the way to Rome to get Easter eggs, and then fly back in time to sprinkle our gardens with Easter eggs on Sunday!